Customisation and innovation



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Customisation and innovation


The customisation linked to (small or large) formats, options adapted to standards, particular finishes, etc., all this is part of everyday life at STIVENT INDUSTRIE®.

The customisation in connection with a creation, an audacious innovation: “inventing what does not yet exist, but which would be very practical” according to some clients, leads us to design and manufacture everything in an ad-hoc manner. This kind of project requires investigation, investment in time and brainpower, an essential phase of normalisation and control, even over-control with many tests.

In addition to the intermingling of neurons and the abundant enthusiasm of our teams, there then comes the question of intellectual property and possible patenting.

We also have this type of string to our bow, but you will easily understand that we cannot reveal to you projects currently in the study phase, even if they promise to shake up some habits in terms of industrial air treatment. Follow regularly our news, you may discover scoops!

The priority axis of the Research and Development division at STIVENT INDUSTRIE® is to design and improve increasingly efficient, competitive, and ergonomic equipment.

We base ourselves on both the rules of the art and INRS recommendations as well as on your feedback and the technological innovations (processes and materials) to offer you equipment with high added value that makes the difference with our clients.





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